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Easter Monday local walk

A local walk with a camera on a sunny easter monday


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London Marathon 2014


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Ravenor Park


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Remembrance Sunday – Polish War Memorial

What l did: Took a few photos after a remembrance service
What l learned: Calmness is a good way to see the world


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What l did: Walked around the block a few hours before a storm was due,
What l learned: adding a  blue hint to photos can add “cold”


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Full Moon

What l did: Various experiments of photographing a full moon with a tripod
What l learned: I need a longer lens and a shutter release cable for long night time exposures

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Dover Castle

What l did: Trudged around a great landmark with a heavy backpack on the way home from a short break
What l learned: Heavy rucksacks and rain are not helpful to good photos.

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